Saturday, September 10, 2022

T- Mobile - iPhone 14

Images of the iPhone 14 Pro from T-Mobile inadvertently display the separate pill + hole punch configuration.
We all anticipated a new iteration of the notch with two physically distinct cutouts in the months before to the release of the iPhone 14 Pro. It was claimed that one of the cutouts would resemble a hole-punch and the other would like a pill. Apple had a surprise in store for us, as we are all aware of by this point: a new Dynamic Island cutout for the iPhone 14 Pro.

The Dynamic Island, as described by Apple, is used by the iPhone 14 Pro. You wouldn't know that the display panel itself still has two separate cuts because Apple has made that portion of the screen completely interactive. Even while the display panel physically still has those two distinct cuts, Apple has employed software to effectively transform it into an iPhone status bar. It has a very striking design.

According to Sam Kohl's observation on Twitter, T-Mobile seems to be existing in a parallel universe in which the Dynamic Island doesn't exist. The Dynamic Notch is not shown in the carrier's listings for the space black and silver versions of the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Instead, they display the cuts in their entirety, as the initial rumors claimed.

Actually, this is quite fascinating. With the exception of the missing Dynamic Island, the pictures appear to be authentic Apple renders made using the iPhone 14 Pro wallpaper.

It appears that T-Mobile had placeholder graphics and has been keeping up with the iPhone 14 Pro speculations. After the iPhone 14 Pro was formally unveiled, the render for two of the device's colors was left incomplete and only the official Apple wallpaper was applied.

It's also important to keep in mind that Apple does not recognize the fact that the pill and hole punch cuttings are genuinely distinct. In every marketing image used by the business, the two are shown connected by the Dynamic Island.

T-Mobile hasn't yet fixed these photos, but whenever they do, we anticipate it won't take long.

What do you think of T-made-up Mobile's alternative reality?

Queen Elizabeth II

After 70 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, passed away on Thursday. She was a symbol of stability during a turbulent time marked by the fall of the British empire and chaos within her own family. She was 96.

She passed away at Balmoral Castle, her Scottish vacation home, where members of the royal family had hurried to her aid when her health started to deteriorate, according to the palace.

She was the only monarch that the majority of Britons had ever known, serving as a link to the nearly extinct generation who fought in World War II.

Prince Charles, her 73-year-old son, officially became monarch and will go by the name King Charles III. Former British kings and queens have chosen new names after ascending to the throne. Camilla, Charles' second wife, will be referred to as the Queen Consort.

After the prescribed 10 days of mourning, a funeral was to be arranged.

When Elizabeth's death was announced, the BBC played the national anthem, "God Save the Queen," over a portrait of her dressed in all her splendor. As the second Elizabethan era came to an end, the flag over Buckingham Palace was lowered to half-staff.

Her loss will have a profound and unanticipated effect on both the country and the monarchy, an institution she helped modernize and preserve through decades of significant societal upheaval and personal scandals, but whose applicability in the twenty-first century has frequently been questioned.

The public's enduring love for the queen has contributed to keeping the monarchy popular despite scandals. Charles is not nearly as well-liked.

Charles expressed his family's "most sadness" on his mother's passing in a statement, adding that "her loss will be keenly felt throughout the UK, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless individuals around the world."

A new prime minister, an energy crisis, double-digit inflation, the conflict in Ukraine, and the consequences of Brexit are all present in Britain at the time of the changing of the guard.

Leaders from throughout the world expressed their sympathies and honored the queen.

Friday, September 9, 2022


Aku pernah merasakan patah hati. Aku pernah merasakan sakitnya terabaikan. Dari semua kesakitan yang aku rasakan, semua itu mengajarkanku menjadi tumbuh lebih dewasa. Lebih berpikir dengan jernih. (Harusnya)

Perjalanan ini membuatku selalu bimbang dengan arah tak menentu. Terbang kesana-kemari bagaikan kupu-kupu yang mencari tempat untuk bernaung.

Kamu tau aku benci asap rokok, Sayang. Tapi gapapa, karena itu kamu, aku tetap tersenyum dan kita hirup bersama.

T- Mobile - iPhone 14

Images of the iPhone 14 Pro from T-Mobile inadvertently display the separate pill + hole punch configuration. We all anticipated...